Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday Morning Motivation

Here I am facing Monday morning.  Starting my day as every day drinking some coffee, my brain slowly coming around.  Work consumes all of me during the day, I love my job and am blessed to be in  a great office surrounded by people who are positive and centered.  I know our "work" does not define us but somehow I was hardwired to be in the type of work I do.  (Numbers, accuracy, tunnel vision focus on tasks, etc...)  When I get home in the evenings, its sometimes difficult to shut down this part of my brain and allow the process of creating art to begin.  This is where the voices of others are starting to sink in for me.  "Put color down every day."  "Make marks on the paper, don't worry if its not perfect."  And I'm finding if I apply myself to practice it works.  I have also identified some things that are limiting me and as I learn these are things I can overcome.  Things such as, being perfect -(I hear many artists say they fight this compulsion), being blocked, not wanting to "copy" someone else's style, fighting the "I have to be in the right MOOD to paint. My husband might have some comments on that last one...
I want my art to naturally give to me and to others that feeling of  awe taken in by the colors or subject on the canvas.  Just as storytelling is captivating, I want my art to evoke those same feelings.  To be touched by someones art, what gift and a blessing. I want to share the blessing that the creative process brings.

He who works with his hands is a laborer. He who works with his hands and his head is a crafter. He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist." ---St. Francis of Assisi.

I wish for you all to have a great week, thank you for visiting. 

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