Saturday, March 10, 2012


Upon some encouragement, I have decided to do a blog.  Art is now becoming an expressive part of myself.  I admire those who create beauty for the world to see and share.  This has become a deep issue for me and I will try not to go too far into the basement...  I came from a divorced family at a very young age and am an only child.  I grew up at the ripe age of 8 or 9 and stayed that way right into my 30s.  Now I realize blessings in that mixed bag of growing up and I feel more childlike now than I ever have.  From this more centered feeling of being, I noticed that I was drawn to color, light, sunrises and sunsets.  I never tire of picking the colors out of the sky, always amazed at how different every day is.  When my daughters were young and we would be going here and there, I always stopped for rainbows.  We would watch them until they disappeared, captivated by the colors that hung in the sky.  Its this kind of observation of nature that propelled me into wanting to get the "details" out of my head and onto paper.  And at this point I must introduce my catalyst of inspiration - Jess.  Long story short we met online and became fast friends.  I have had the honor of being a guest in her home and the pleasure of owning several of her works.  The "grasshopper" is my view of myself in this learning process, watching and learning from the "masters" I have found.  Jess has fueled my interest and skills by sharing her work, allowing me to watch and learn as she would create.  I always want to have fun with my art and tend to stay away from things that are "hard" for me.  I am learning to gently push myself to do better, but not ever at the point of losing the joy I am finding in the process of creating.  The next point is the exposure that the internet gives us.  The subject matter goes on forever and if you have a theme, the world wide web has a picture, a story, a name, a store, whatever it may be that you are looking for.  I know this is a really busy introduction, and thank you for reading.  I hope in future blogs I can broach smaller portions of some of these things I've mentioned.   Please comment or post back any replies.  I look forward to new friends and sharing.

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